Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Apr 6 - Sorry Charlie Day

On the heels of Go For Broke day comes a day to realize that everyone gets rejected at some point in their life.  I relate to this because for years I thought I must have lived a charmed life.  Even though I didn't always win awards or get exactly what I wanted, good LIFE things just seemed to happen to me whether it be through travel or jobs or marriage.  However, somewhere around 2005 I started getting stroke after stroke of bad luck.  And I'm not talking about not getting cast in a show for which I auditioned (which is just part of acting).  Some worked out and, yay, I get to act.  I'm talking about, oh, losing close loved ones, losing pets, losing major jobs, losing our home, and, sigh, losing babies.  Since the aforementioned year, not six months have gone by without experiencing a major tragedy ... it makes one always waiting for the next ball to drop.

"Sorry Charlie" is trite, but kinda cute as it comes from a freaking tuna add in the seventies.   This day is for those of us who have gone through hell, walked on coals, grieved profoundly, and basically survived titanic disasters.  Speaking of titanic, why are we honouring these people with a fish?  How about MOLLY BROWN DAY???  It takes a tough gal to be in the midst of a major trauma but yet muster the courage to go back and look for survivors.  I think that this day should not only be a testament to trauma survivors but to the people whose lives seem to be 'a sinking ship,' but chose to dance anyway.

"When you get the chance to sit it out or dance ... I hope you dance."

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